My disturbing very first perception of San Diego’s Union-Trib

Why totally free isn’t great enough

Not answering the door is as challenging for me as not opening an email. There’s a possibility it might be something great, right?

לא כל כך.

Not today when I responded to the door to find, shit, a salesman.

Now, I’m still suffering from Minnesota good as well as am far as well polite to just shut the door. (Note to self: next time, just shut the door.)

So this man hands me a copy of today’s Union-Tribune newspaper, without introducing himself as well as without asking me exactly how I’m doing. Instead, he just hands me the paper as well as begins filling out an purchase form.

He mentions the Sunday discount coupons as well as that I can subscribe at a ridiculously low price, something like $1 per week.

That was his pitch. This is affordable as well as for that reason you ought to want it.

Now, in situation you didn’t know, I’m really a newspaper girl. I have a journalism degree, as well as I worked in the industry. I appreciate great writing. I am among the youngest who still cling to the comfort of cuddling up with a paper as well as a hot chocolate as well as getting actual print on their hands.

I’m the type of 30-year-old who really states to her husband, “You know, we ought to indication up for the Sunday paper.”

But there I was with this guy at my feet, as well as he might not have paid me to indication up.

“אנא. It’s just $1.”

“לא. No say thanks to you,” I said. “אני לא מעוניין.”

And then I just felt sad.

Sad, since I sensed he needed the commission. Sad for the newspaper industry. unfortunate for the Union-Trib’s lack of creativity.

“It doesn’t matter exactly how affordable it is, does it?” I might tell the guy was frustrated.

“זה נכון.”

And this is my issue with the Union-Tribune: I got the feeling it is purposely sending out poorly trained salespeople in purchase to get guilt subscriptions.

I wished to assist the man. He was actually on his knees in front of me. “It’s just $1.”

But totally free isn’t great enough. I don’t want much more stuff. I don’t want clutter. I don’t want coupons.

I want great value.

Does the Union-Tribune have great content? I don’t know. I’ve never checked out it. Is there any type of value in it? I’ll never know.

As a blogger, I understand I have to offer great content. If people purchase my products or click my ads, that’s wonderful. however there will be nobody on my site if the material is not there.

As a pet sitter, I would never beg somebody to hire me.

“אנא. I’ll do it for $1. just please pick me.”


I offer the very best service. I care the most. I offer value. My clients hire me since they likewise believe I’m the best, as well as if I stop working they hire somebody else.

So, Union-Tribune, I’m so dissatisfied you put me in that setting today. I desire your worker the best. I desire for him to discover employment with a business that cares.

I hope he discovers a way.

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